Bestival madness

Posted by Grace

I know it has been a while since the last post… But I was in France without internet for a month and then getting back from France I almost straight away went off to Bestival – a festival on the Isle of White. I went with two of my best friends and because we were lucky we were in the artists camping area.

The journey was long and not particularly glamorous. We took an over ground train; an underground train; a coach; a ferry and 2 shuttle buses! We should have taken a bus to the ferry but because we were very disorganised and we walked a great distance with all of our bags and a helium balloon!

Finally when we got to the camp site (we arrived on the Friday and left on the Sunday) we put up the tent – which took longer then expected given that it was a very small tent – we got our glitter on and raced down to see Sam Smith on the main stage.


Our tent did look like a very sad animal, but it fit 3 of us and our stuff almost comfortably in.

Anyway, Sam Smith was AMAZING! I am a big fan so may be a little biased but I mean you can’t not like him! Then we saw Disclosure who were also amazing, made even more amazing because they brought Sam Smith on to sing Latch – yep as I said a big fan :L

The Friday night was great, we went to the Port to watch a DJ and went to the Bollywood tent we also ate some rather over price chicken nuggets. The only mishap of the night was when we tried to find our tent but thankfully and in the traditional festival way we made some friends who helped us find the sad tent!


(not my can) on the second day I wore a rather colourful outfit, I didn’t bring dress up but tried to compensate with colour! I wore Adidas leggings which I got from Urban Outfitters the top was from Urban Outfitters also – but the vintage renewal section – no longer available. The bag I used from the weekend and the cardigan I wore SOOO soft!! On the first day I wore wellies but on the second day I wore gold Superga shoes –

We saw London Grammar and Foals who were both very good and we went into many different tents and saw a lot of up and coming artists also a very exciting moment in my life happened when walking past the Vlogger Caspar Lee who I sort of stared at and he told me he loved my pants to which I timidly said thank you and walked off very happy!



I had a great time at Bestival it was a friendly and fun festival with so many things to see and do I really want to go back next year it is a perfect end of summer party the only painful part was the way home!


Thank you for reading xxxx