
The days have got shorter, the supermarket shops have started to stock quality street. Autum seems to have just begun yet winter is rearing it’s head. This month has been a long one as I have spent most of it in my work cardigan and shoes and getting used to my first year out of education. The end of last month was a sad one, saying goodbye to friends and leaving all that felt familiar, but here I am a month later, feeling a little more prosperous about what will come of the rest of this year. I am also very excited to see old friends during the up coming week! Novemeber is looking like a nicer month full of nice plans and not as much of the unknown as I faced this month. October has always been a weird month for me, today, the 31st of October marks 7 years since my parents seperated. The end of this month also marks 6 years since I had spinal fusion surgey to correct my scoliosis. It has always been a month of unknowns and new things, scary things – quite fitting that it happens to be halloween! I hope your October has been nice and that Novemeber will be bigger and better! I will be posting a lot more on here as I have a lot more ideas.

Thank you for reading 🙂