The first day of term

Today marks the day that most teenagers and kids go back to school after summer. Both sad that the summer appears to be over but at the same time excited about the new start I mean the excitement was never as great as the post summer blues however new stationary always seemed to held that. Today is also my best friend’s birthday and a year ago today her and I along with our other friend were at bestival setting up our tent ready to go and see Sam Smith. Then we would part and all go off for our last year of college. This year instead of uni I am taking a gap year, resitting physics and am currently working at a clothes shop saving up to hopefully go to Australia for the last part of the gap year. I am so used to the year starting now, going off to school and only having to think about homework and seeing friends. Now there is little structure which is both freeing and terrifying. For the first time my new year starts on the 1st of January. Going off to bestival was like a goodbye to the summer, I knew I was in store for a crazy stressful school year but it was very different to how I would expect. Some aspects were great, funny and amazing – I was in a play with great people, I had a drama free christmas, passed all my exams I mean I completed the fucking IB!!!! I even went on my first date – however not a second… A story for another time! Sadly not everything happened smoothly and there has been some loss along the way which intensified everything. It made us mature somewhat and re-evaluate what is important. Again something I may write about another time. All this happened in the school year that went too quickly everything was rush so maybe this year off will help me get my head round all that happened from September the 4th onwards! Good luck anyone who is back at school or soon to start uni just think of the all the new stationary! xx