Waterproof make up


For this look I used the Make Up Forever Aqua Matic ‘waterproof glide-on eye shadow’ in ME-54


the formula of the eye shadow is very creamy but you have to work fast with it because once it dries you it won’t budge no matter how much you rub your eyes or even go swimming it’ll still be there!

For eyeliner and mascara I used the Benefit They’re Real eyeliner and mascara http://www.benefitcosmetics.co.uk/product/view/theyre-real


I am a bit late to the party regarding the mascara as it has been out for around 2 years but it is a really great mascara, the wand is flexible and gets all the lashes, it gives length and volume to the lashes coating each one from the base and it is VERY black. The eye line – a more recent product! At first I wasn’t a big fan, I liked the colour and the way it styed on however it is very difficult a first to get your head round how much you use when winding up the end and how you hold it, it is also difficult to remove. I haven’t tried the make up remover that Benefit recommend but I use an oil based eye make up remover from Clarins which works well. DSC_1016

After putting the shower over her head and face and leaving it for a while the eyeliner and eyeshadow stayed in place, they didn’t move anywhere and the colour pigment remained the same however the mascara did run a little under the eyes. I would agree with the eye liner and shadow being water proof and water resistant but with the mascara if you are looking for a waterproof product then it isn’t for you however if you are looking for something that will stay on all day even if you sweat and the temperature is high it will stay on an not flake.

Thank you for reading xxxx

One thought on “Waterproof make up

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